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Free wallpapers

Welcome to Akspic

We provide a convenient platform for sharing images and photos from open sources and personal archives. Any user can contribute and take part in the development of the service by adding high-quality wallpapers to our website.

Why us?

It's free

Thousands of absolutely free wallpapers for any taste and for any screen resolution.

Daily updates

The site does not stand still and keeps up with the times in accordance with world trends. Hundreds of new wallpapers are published every day.

Manual moderation

Our team, not artificial intelligence, sorts the pictures and compiles the wallpaper sets. This is what makes our collections sincere and balanced.


Our image gallery will satisfy all tastes, and you will surely find wallpapers that will decorate your desctop.


No more cropping and stretching, just a full picture on your phone screen. A wide range of wallpapers for smartphones will allow you to choose the desired picture of the required resolution.

Ultra HD 4k

Thousands of ultra HD wallpapers. 100% originals, no compression.
Mobile app
Download the Akspic mobile application for Android, which will automatically determine the model of your phone and show the wallpapers suitable only for your screen.
  • Ultra HD
    Android Device
  • Category